Looks like the world's still got appetite for some more pico projectors, as Favi's releasing a pair some time between late February and early March for prices yet unknown. First is the RIOLED-Q (pictured) which sports a pretty 800 x 600 native resolution at 50 lumens -- supposedly the best brightness in class (like the Optoma PK301), along with built-in SD / MMC card reader, battery, three-watt stereo speaker and an ever-so-handy digital keystone correction. Joining the party is the smaller RIOLED-V which is shy about its display specification, but proudly packs a card reader and WiFi to cater its various web apps for YouTube, Flickr, Picasa, Yahoo News, Weather, Email, Internet Radio and web browser. Too bad it doesn't do phone calls.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Favi RIOLED-Q and RIOLED-V pico projectors launched the future is bright, wireless
Posted by Mackey
Labels: gadget gear, Gadget News